
GitLab, GitHub Enterprise, and other Git repos

Now you can use dstack with GitLab, GitHub Enterprise, and any other Git repos (regardless of where they are hosted).

Just make sure the hostname of the repo is accessible from AWS (be it the default VPN or any other selected one).

Built-in Conda-Forge and Miniforge support

All built-in providers now come with Miniforge pre-installed. Now you can use all the benefits Conda provides without worrying about the license.

Moreover, you can use conda env create and conda activate within your workflows to create custom Conda environments, save them as artifacts, and reuse them from other workflows.

Here's an example of two workflows, where one creates an environment, and another one reuses it:

  - name: setup-conda
    help: Prepares an environment
    provider: bash
      - conda env create --file environment.yml
      - path: /opt/conda/envs/myenv

  - name: use-conda
    provider: bash
      - workflow: setup-conda
      - conda activate myenv

If your environment is sophisticated and has a lot of dependencies, downloading it as an artifact will be a lot faster than preparing it inside the workflow.

Colourful and interactive output

The workflow output is now fully interactive and colorful.

Multiple users

The dstack ps command, for every run, now shows who submitted it. This feature will be helpful if multiple users are working on the same repo together.

Try it

To install the new version of the CLI, just run this command:

pip install dstack --upgrade

In case you have feedback, if either something doesn't work as expected, or you have a question, please share it in our Slack chat, or report as a GitHub issue.